Here is How to Install macOS Mojave on Parallels Desktop This is a clever idea that if for some reasons you might not want to install on your actual computer.. If you’re willing to hands-on macOS Mojave and give it a try before you really install on your Mac, here’s how to do that with a quick set up Mojave on a virtual machine.. To close, navigate to the top-left corner and click on Install macOS Mojave and from the list down Quit Install macOS.
Once the download completed, the installer setup will run to install macOS Mojave, but note down, you won’t have to go through it or Continue with it, just close it.
macos mojave parallels desktop
macos mojave parallels desktop, parallels desktop macos mojave
Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac is now available and is fully optimized for macOS Mojave.. The best part is, whether you get failed with installation or not properly work with things, you’ll always have the option to rollback to re-installation or deleting the virtual machine without affecting your OS.
Version 14 focuses less on whiz-bang new features and instead wisely focuses on where it counts.. Parallels make it handy and quick with installing on a virtual machine that is entirely painless without hassle.. The downloading may take some while (which is over 6 gig) mostly depends on your internet connection.. Nov 07, 2018 macOS Mojave Installer To close, navigate to the top-left corner and click on Install macOS Mojave and from the list down Quit Install macOS.. In this case, you might want to install it aside from your original OS So, what’s better idea than installing on a virtual machine aside from your operating system.. Quit Install macOS Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac: The Parallels makes it surprisingly easy and straightforward that I have used for over years now. 0041d406d9